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Biomedical Lab is involved in the European DESIRE Program with an Innovative Parkinson’s Tracking Project

DESIRE is a three-year, €1.5 million project funded by the COSME Single Market Programme. The DESIRE Eurocluster project was launched on September 1, 2022, and will last for 36 months. It comprises one business support organization and four clusters from Austria, France, Romania, and Poland. In the context of the DESIRE Open Call 2023-2024, Biomedical [...]

PD-Watch, another step closer to powering clinical management of people with Parkinson’s disease

Potenza, Italy, 6th October 2023– Biomedical Lab is delighted to announce the publication of a new research article on the PD-Watch (acronym for Parkinson's disease watch) in PLOS ONE, an important peer-reviewed journal in the field of medical research and engineering. The research offers valuable insights into the performance of the PD-Watch in collecting data [...]

Time for a change in the clinical management of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disorders, second only to Alzheimer’s disease. A small, watch-like, 24-h monitoring device analyses detailed movement data and will soon be helping clinicians tailor more effective treatments.   Leggi l'articolo completo in italiano su CORDIS:   The global burden of PD has more than [...]

The PD-Watch project funded by European Union

A watch that keeps track of Parkinson’s symptoms Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition that is progressive as symptoms appear gradually and slowly get worse. While everyone with PD has different symptoms, the most common are motor symptoms such as tremor, muscle rigidity and slowness of movement. The EU-funded PD-Watch project is developing a [...]

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