Last Publications
Nowadays there is various scientific evidence available on the use of the PD-Watch and Biomedical Lab is constantly committed to maintaining and improving the quality of its products and services.
The references of the main scientific studies are shown below, together with the experiences provided by the medical users.

Prof. Fabrizio Stocchi
Direttore U.O.C. Neurologia, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Roma
“We conducted a preliminary study using the PD-Watch. The PD-Watch was able to recognize the tremor and distinguish it from dyskinesias. This is a good method, especially in this period where remote assessments can be extremely useful for follow patients with Parkinson’s disease, especially fluctuating and complicated ones. The results were compared with the patients’ clinical diaries giving a good result of diagnostic accuracy ”

Dott. Vincenzo Andreone
Direttore U.O.C. Neurologia, Azienda Ospedaliera “Sant’Anna e San Sebastiano” di Caserta
“Continuous monitoring allows the neurologist to intercept useful information to improve the care of the patient with Parkinson’s disease. In fact, today the patient is monitored only during the few minutes in which he enters the hospital visit ”.

Dott.ssa Antonietta Romaniello
U.O.C. Neurologia, Azienda Ospedaliera Regionale “ San Carlo” di Potenza
“With PD-Watch patients are enthusiastic and finally know that there is someone who will assess their clinical condition even when they are not in the context of the surgery or in front of the doctor. This is because the observation of us clinicians is limited in time, while the recording of 24-48 hours allows to have a much more precise picture even for the doctor in order to adapt drug therapies to help the patient to reduce the motor symptoms that can be very disabling. ”

Dott. Salvatore Tardi
Direttore U.O.C. Geriatria, Direttore Dipartimento Multidisciplinare Medico, Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Matera
“I believe that the PD-Watch for monitoring patients with Parkinson’s is really very useful. By collecting data with PD-Watch it will be possible to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy, the evolution of the disease and at the same time adjust our therapeutic prescriptions to give the patient the opportunity to improve his general condition. An easy to use, wearable and above all easily manageable device that will allow us to obtain results that were previously unthinkable. ”